
30+ Going on 13 or So....

So I had a lapse in judgment last week while at the park. I don't really know what I was thinking except that how hard could a "flip" be to do on the bars. You know that thing we all did in elementary school on the bars. I use to be able to twirl around the bars non-stop for quite a while. I mean when I was 11 or 12. So really how hard could it be to do a couple of times in your 30s. Well the answer to that is...

Very easy to do but man do you pay for it afterwards.

My brother and his family were visiting last week from AZ. On Thursday, after Kate got out of school, we went to the park so the kids could "geo-cache" (look for hidden candy using GPS). At lunch, my brother, Eric, said that he climbed the tree in the front yard to show his oldest son that he could do it. Okay, I am competitive so I thought I can do something also. So at the park my chance came. I was talking to my niece, who is 11, at the bars. And all the sudden the thought popped in my head, that I should try to do the flip thing I use to do. What a cool aunt that is shameless enough to embarrass herself and prove that she can still do it!! Well there I go. Not easy getting up on the bar but not once, I have to do it twice. (And for some reason I forgot that half the ward was at the park that day - well not half but 2 ladies and some from 3rd ward). Megan, my niece, I hope was impressed.

Because, that night and since then, I have felt like I got in a car wreck and have whiplash. My neck is killing me. So note to self for all you daredevils, the flip on the bar is probably not the best way to show your niece or kids that you are cool no matter what shape you are in.

My only regret is that I have no proof to show that I did it. Oh well. Maybe next time I feel a sudden lapse of judgement coming on.


Shaina said...

Elise, that is hilarious! Wish I was there (along with half the ward!) to witness that. You are so fun. What a great aunt you are.

Karen said...

Elise, you crack me up!!! That is so hilarious. Wish I could have been there to see it too! You are a totally fun and cool aunt. You don't need to worry about that. Sorry you hurt too, not fun. It's crazy how are bodies can't handle what they used too!

Rayna said...

Hilarious! I remember one time thinking I could jump as high as I use to, being a cheerleader and all. Well my calfs said, "I don't think so, you ol' lady"!

Ryan said...

WAY TO GO!!! I just did a cartwheel the other day and think I pulled both hamstrings:) When did we grow old and brittle:)? (Nicki)

Christy said...

I'm sorry you are still sore! I actually saw her romp on the bars and it's was HILARIOUS! I was the smarter one to avoid potential neck/back injuries and just stood there watching and laughing! Darn, why didn't I take a picture of you????? That would have been AWESOME!

Sara said...

hee hee hee - I wish I could have seen that :)

Carolann said...

I feel the same way about cartwheels. I tried to show Isabelle that it wasn't that hard and I paid for it for a few days. It made me want to throw up!

kristin said...

Sooooo wish I could have been there! I would have totally done it too! Way to go! Who wants to be all grown-up and stuff anyway???

Jenni said...

ok, how did I miss this post? Well,,I think you're SOOOO cool for showing up your brother...haha. You surely earned coolest aunt status after this stunt...go ELise!! And seriously, no pictures? MAn!!! =)

rebecca said...

You always have had a way of making me laugh :) This especially makes me laugh, because I read this the other day and then when we were at the park on a warm day this week, Kordin told me to twirl on the bar like him and I thought of your story and decided I didn't want whiplash, so I told him mommy was too big to do this :)

Anonymous said...

I found your blog from Arizona6.... I read your last blog about your son and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your comment at Arizona blog about how each of us have different bodies and experiences. I really appreciate that.

and wow, what a journey for your family. My dad is a RT and I grew up working in NeoNatal in the summer months. I have total humility and respect for preemies and their families. Glad to read things improved greatly and CF was ruled out!

if you don't mind, I'll visit your blog when I can. :)