Matt - My Baby No More
Matt - Happy Birthday!! You entered our family quickly and unexpected at 12:31am today. I love you dearly and I already miss you being a baby.
Love, Mom
Black Friday - The Experience
Here is the back of Jenni's car with all our loot purchased by 3 woman for our collective 7 kids and other odds and ends.
Side view of the car. The back seat had enough room for Amy; the other seat was full of bags.
The three shoppers after a long, hard, productive day. Don't we look tired - especially me.
Well, as a side note, after all that shopping, my body decided to go crazy and I ended up with a migraine-like headache soon after getting home. So bad that my dad and Alan had to give me a blessing so that I could sleep. And sleep I did for the next 12 hours.
But all in all, I had a blast and I can't wait to do it again next year. Maybe I won't be such a whiner next time.
I WAS TAGGED (a long time ago)
I was tagged by Jenni (http://hootieshowl.blogspot.com/) ...she is a very talented scrapbooker so check out her great layouts (hey, she is even getting me into the scrapbooking thing). Also I was tagged by Kristin (http://kristin-partylikearockstar.blogspot.com/) ...we have been friends for over 15 years now and she is a rocking rock climber so also check her out.
Anyway, here are 7 random facts about me....
1. I love breakfast food. I could eat breakfast for every meal. But I can't stand eggs and dry heave at the smell of them.
2. I live in a perpetually world of organized chaos. Our downstairs always looks organized but our office is a total mess. Yet I could find anything I need in the office.
3. I cannot throw away a magazine unless I have read it from cover to cover (I have the same issue with newspapers and catalogs too). I have magazines from 2002 probably in a box waiting for me to read. I did throw away a lot of magazines while I was pumping with Matt since I read about 3 or so magazines a day while I was pumping.
4. Now this is something that most people don't know unless you went to college with me...My nickname in college was and still is to this day EZ. I was nicknamed after the rapper Easy E. My old roommate's entire family still calls me EZ.
5. I am obsessed with spelling. I love to find spelling errors in newspapers or magazines. I don't know why but it seems so funny to have a misspell in a newspaper...don't they use spell check plus it's a newspaper for crying out loud.
6. I can't remember any lines from any movie I have ever seen. Alan is great at remembering that stuff but me, I couldn't hardly tell you about the movie long after I have seen it. I guess I just few movies/TV as forms of entertainment and so my brain is turned off when I am watching.
7. Like Kristin (above), I cannot stand to have my fingernails painted. But I love to paint my toe nails and I do feel kind of naked when they are not painted. Unfortunately, since Matt was born, they do not get painted regularly. Something I definitely need to start up again plus Kate loves to have her toes painted.
I also got tagged by Shaina so here goes that one (BTW, this was quite difficult because my memory sucks)...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
It was 1997 and I was working in San Francisco (pretty boring life)...
1. Moving to the other side of Walnut Creek for cheaper rent
2. Working 70-90 hour weeks working for Arthur Andersen as a tax consultant
3. Spending more time with my newly relocated brothers and their families, especially the kids
4. Taking a trip with Kristin (above) to NYC and DC (so much fun and such great memories)
5. Eating lunch everyday with my work friend, Kathy, whom I still keep in touch with
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Go to Target
2. Take Kate to the park
3. Catch up on emails
4. Go through bags of clothes to donate to DI
5. Go to a Homemade Gourmet party at Amy's
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Diet Coke
2. Ice Cream
3. 100 Grand Bars
4. Genisoy Chocolate Mint bars
5. Chips and salsa
5 songs I know the lyrics to:
1. Most primary songs because I sing them every night
....Without the song playing....no other song - one of the things that I am really bad about but I can't remember words to songs to save my life. But if the song is on...
2. Most Linkin Park songs
3. Most boy band songs
4. Bibidee Bopadee Boo from one of the Cinderella movies (that is just because I hear it so often but Kate loves to have "dance party" to this song
5. Can't think of any more but I am sure there are more
5 of my bad habits:
1. I pick at my cuticles on my fingernails
2. A little OCD but I have to check all the doors every night to be sure that they are locked (even if Alan checked them)
3. I obsess about losing weight but I am too lazy to be on a diet
4. I am a procrastinator and therefore my office is always a disaster
5. I am always late, no matter how hard I try
5 things I'd do if I were a millionaire:
1. Put away enough for our kids' college
2. Build and design my dream house
3. Tithing, of course
4. Help my family members out with expenses
5. Save and invest the rest after a good shopping spree
5 things I will never wear again:
1. Spandex - as Alan says..it is a privilege not a right
2. Pegged pants (never wore reverse fit but did peg pants myself back in the day)
3. Not really wearing but I will never perm my hair again
4. Denim shirt
5. Faded or white washed jeans
5 of my favorite toys:
1. My iPhone
3. My straightener
4. Internet
5. Jewelry
Now I am not going to tag anyone specifically but challenge all those who haven't done one or the other or both to do them on your blog. Great getting to know all you better. Happy Blogging for the day!!!!
Kate's Birthday Party
I had a lot more crafts and food concotions I wanted to try but Alan was out of town that week from Tuesday night until late Friday afternoon so I decided to drop some of the decorations. All in all the decorations were enough and the food was good (we had soup and chili plus cornbread and breadsticks; also had mac n cheese and mummy wraps for the kids).
Kate a month shy of 3 years old on her first day in preschool.
Kate, Thank you so much for coming into our family and my life. You are such a great little person and so full of life. I love you to pieces, my little princess. Love, Mommy
First off, a little about my humble and seemingly normal life. I am a mom to two preemies. Kate is almost 3 and was born 6 weeks early (after a near delivery at 26 weeks, resulting in 8 weeks of lovely bedrest for me). As a side note, I was working at the time and so I did get paid for all 8 weeks of watching TV and reading magazines, not a bad deal. Well we thought Kate was a handful...her brother decided to show her up. Matt is 9 months old now but he decided to show up a little over 8 weeks early. Matt spent 9 weeks in the hospital fighting pneumonia induced by aspirating on milk. He is our little trooper and has kept a smile on his face the entire time. I am also a wife to a great man, Alan, who so lovingly goes to work every day so that I can stay home and spend the money. Thanks babe!!!
Prior to mommyhood, I worked in the accounting industry doing taxes and estate planning for high wealth individuals - first at Arthur Andersen and then at HSBC - for 9 years. I loved what I did and also working in San Francisco and do miss working, well really, I miss the social life and the shopping.
Currently, I am dealing with potty training (still after 3 months), Kate starting preschool, tons of physical therapy for Matt (possibility of Matt having cerebal palsy from all his complications) and also speech therapy for Matt for supposed oral aversion, and also trying to have a social life myself and lose this freaking baby weight once and for all.
So this is my life in a nut shell. Not glamorous by any means but eventful for sure....So enjoy our journey!!